On Saturday, Charlie had a momentous occasion! I was changing his diaper that evening right before bed, and as I unzipped his sleeper, his cord came off! (These are referred to as Raisin Cords in our house. At Evan and Charlie's daycare, Katie the director started calling them this, presumably for their remarkable resemblance to raisins. Evan has used this scientific terminology ever since). I was super excited of course, and I got Evan out of bed to come and look. He also understood the importance of the occassion, and we jumped up and down and congratulated little Charlie. Evan ran downstairs to get Jeff so he could share in the celebration, but he didn't want to come up and look. I think we were both sad he didn't see how important this was!
So, since he is now cordless, Charlie was able to have his first "real" bath today. You can tell by the expression on his face in the picture how much he enjoyed this event. I was a little sad he didn't like it more, since Evan always loved being in the bathtub. I think it is because Charlie has a pathological aversion to being naked. It is really the only time during the day that he out and out cries. He must get this from his father. Those of you who knew me in high school know what happens when I get in the ocean, jump on a trampoline, or play dumb games in our parents' basements.
I have to admit that I am a little sad about his cord coming off too. It was a little like the last sign of his physical attachment to me. But, I won't think about that too hard. I am still overly affected by those gosh darn baby blues, and am prone to crying at a moments notice.
1 comment:
The cord falling off wasn't a big deal for me, either. Maybe it's a guy thing.
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