Evan was not pleased with the results (it is amazing how strongly he does not want me to change my appearance-it really bothers him) but everyone else, including me, has said it looks nice. I feel better, which is the important thing. It is nice to have some part of me feel beautiful while the rest feels humongous and dopey. Of course, Jeff knows that I will probably burst into a bout of hormone induced tears if he said he didn't like it, so maybe I shouldn't trust his compliments right now!!
I've just finished watching the 3rd season of Dallas (yes, I know this is a silly show to watch, but Jeff has me hooked-it's all his fault). The last episode of the 3rd season is the famous one where JR gets shot by an unknown assailant. I can hardly stand to wait to find out who it is!!! The 4th season won't be released on DVD until January 24th, so I have to wait two weeks. Jeff also told me today that they don't reveal the killer until about 5 episodes into the next season!!! UGH. I hope Charlie is a Dallas fan.

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