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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fire Drill Adventure

This afetrnoon at daycare Charlie announced to his teacher that he had to go potty. So, she lead him into the bathroom and just as she was about to help him get his pants down, she heard a brawl erupt from the toddler room. She told him to wait there while she intervened. In the meantime Charlie had an accident and peed all over the floor. At which point he decided it would be a good idea to dance in the puddle in his new tennis shoes. When she returned, she found Charlie happily covered in pee from the waist down.

She had just finished peeling off his socks, shoes, pants, and underwear when the fire alarm went off. Since he didn't have any shoes on, she plopped him into a baby bed with some other infants who were being wheeled out to save wear and tear on his bare feet. My mom (who is a teacher in the daycare) said he stood up in that bed, held on to the side, and proudly displayed his naked butt, much to the delight of the students who walked past.

It was the big event of Charlie's day, his naked fire drill, and as soon as Jeff walked in the door he had to report it to him. Here is Charlie's version of events:

"Daddy! Charlie didn't have pants on in the fire drill 'cause Grandma wanted it that way!"


Unknown said...

That is too funny!!!

Mandy.Rana said...

Kids are so awesome! Haha... They deff keep us young, and make us old... haha

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