Easter was fast and furious around here. I woke the kids up at 7:15 so I could get some pictures of them hunting for Easter eggs and cramming candy in their mouths before Evan and I had to leave for church at 7:45. I sang with the newly formed St. Charles Borromeo choir at the 9:00 Mass. It was kind of cool-we got to have our picture taken for the church's historical records since we are the first choir of the parish, and it was our first performance. Our church is new, and has only been in existance for about 3 years now. We are still holding services at Gretchen Reeder Elementary, but we are going to break ground on the new building on October 4th of this year. It was a nice service, and Evan did a great job sitting by himself during Mass, which I was a little nervous about.
We got home at about 10:15 and were on the road to Harlan by 10:30. We went up to Jeff's dad house. Crazily enough, it was the first time that Charlie and Sam had been to Grandpa John's house. We have been up to Harlan of course for several family gatherings since they have been born, but they are always held around the block at his Aunt Sarah's house. I also have a heck of a time getting Jeff to go up there. He always has a great time once we are there, but before hand he worries about the money we are spending on gas, and what a pain it is to drag the kids. I love his family, his dad, and the town of Harlan itself, and I really wish we could go there more. Anyway, it had originally been just his dad we were going to see, but his dad got into the holiday spirit since the kids were coming, and he invited the whole family over!! Grandma Monica was there, 5 out of the 8 kids and their spouses, some of Jeff's cousins, and the great grandkids too. Most amazing of all was that John cooked a delicious holiday dinner for everyone-ham, roast beef, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, and two kinds of salad. It was delicious! Since the kids were born, that man has really come out of his shell. Jeff was absolutely stunned when we walked in and his dad said everyone was on their way over and that he had cooked dinner. I think the grandkids have given him a reason to celebrate. It is so wonderful to watch him with them. He does a great job. Jeff's Aunt Sarah brought over desert-chocolate cake, peach and cherry pie, and a cheesecake. Too yummy. I did let myself indulge in a piece of chocolate cake, and it was the first time in forever that I have had a whole piece of something with a lot of sugar since I started my diet. I paid dearly by getting a huge headache. I think my body is liking the low sugar low fat thing.
The boys all had a great time. There are two other kids Evan's age, and after circling each other warily for about 15 minutes they made friends and had a great time the rest of the afternoon. Charlie was EVERYWHERE-eating candy, going up and down the stairs, conning everyone into playing with him. He went outside with Jeff and his dad where he fell in love with this electric Jeep that John got for him. I didn't think we would ever get him off of it! Sam was the amazing one. I have never seen a child eat so much in my entire life. When we got there, he started right in on bowl of candy John had sitting out on the coffee table. Then, someone set him up in a chair with a bowl of crackers and dip, which he finished with a relish. Then he had a FULL plate at lunch, and seconds on ham. Next he ate a huge piece of chocolate cake for desert. Then he went outside to run around for awhile, but when he came back in decided he was hungry again. He went back at the candy bowl, and then someone gave him a bag full of treats where he ate a small container of Pringles and then a chocolate "bird's nest". He ate way more than Evan and I put together. If we don't watch out we're going to have to send that kid to the fat farm.
1 comment:
We saw a lot of cars over there! At one point I saw kids outside and sharply turned the car almost tipping it over (not really), but it wasn't you guys.
We also saw the Jeep! Nice!
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