Which leads me right into my post for today...NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. Except this year I am not making any resolutions, I am doing some goal setting. Lots of people on blogs this week have been talking about how goals are more achievable than resolutions because they include planned steps. Makes sense to me, so that is what I am going to try.
1. SANCTUARY: My goal for 2010 at home is to make my home a more peaceful and enjoyable place for my family. I enjoy organizing and cleaning, but sometimes as a working mom I don't do such a great job. I am especially great at stuffing piles of stuff in corners and closets, thinking that I will get to them someday. Sadly, someday never arrives! Which is why my storage room looks like a bomb went off in it. I am going to conquer the the piles this year, and this summer I am going to have a garage sale to clear out the clutter.
2. HEALTH: I usually make a resolution about loosing weight. I have learned over the past 3 years though that my metabolic disorder and PCOS make this darn near impossible. Instead, this year I am resolving to make healthy changes in my eating and lifestyle so that I can be a more healthy me. I AM going to get that cholesterol back down. My awesome friend Christi has agreed to be my partner, and I am counting on her to bully me all year, and kick my butt when I get off track.
3. RELATIONSHIPS: I am not a patient person by nature. I am also bossy, and have a need to control every aspect of everything. As a teacher who works with 30 six year olds every day, I often feel that my students get the best of my patient reserves, and my own family gets the left overs. This year, I am going to take 15 minutes for myself when we get home, to do a mini recharge. I am going to work to be a better Mom and Wife, which are my two most important jobs in life.
To get started on the sanctuary, today we are going to take down the Christmas tree and de-Christmas the house. I find this task to be SO depressing, but today I am going to try and focus on a fresh and clean start.
And in a totally random way to end this post, here is a picture from this week:
This is Jeff and Sam watching the Cowboys game on Sunday. Sam had his new Cowboys jersey on, and it was just so cute to see both of them snuggled up together and so intent on the game. It amazes me just how much Sam understands about football at only 3 years old. Jeff finally got his football buddy!
I hope all of you have a wonderful day today!!
What a lovely picture...ver cute little guy...I love 3 year olds..such a great age! All the best for your goals! happy New Year!
I am glad you mentioned the depressing task of taking down Christmas decorations. I feel that way, I didn't know if anyone else did.
I love the looks on the faces in your photo. My son's family now lives in Texas and the youngest got a Longhorn sweatshirt for Christmas. He is an Eagles fan, also because they have lived in Maryland except for the last year or so.
I like making goals and listing ways I am going to try and make improvements in our life. I do this every year although I'm not too verbal about it.
I have been with Company Girl for a few months and haven't accomplished much but that is going to change. I believe we need to tackle things as they come. That is why mail doesn't stack up around here except on Honey Bear's table. I don't nag but he just doesn't throw away stuff like I do.
Welcome and Happy New year.
Mama Bear
Love that pic!
Yay you for setting goals! Good luck and will be praying for you to work toward their achievement!
Happy New Beginning day!
things really are so much easier when you have a friend to motivate and push you.
And I am SO with you on the tree thing. We're taking down all of our Christmas decorations today too and I am trying to have a positive outlook on it.
Oh I loathe taking Christmas down too! I won't get to it until Monday as we are out of town. I may wait until the weekend.
I too am goal setting this year. So glad you've become a Company Girl...we will have great fun creating Sanctuary together and encouraging each other along the way!
Have a great weekend! Happy New Year!
I actually enjoy taking down the Christmas things. I always feel like I suddenly have more space without all that clutter!
Happy New Year--way to go setting goals for yourself. I think it is important to have practical steps. I hope your de-Chritmasing has not been too depressing, but rather inpsiring to you to start fresh in your home for January!
Oh what great goals! Good to take stock and make those attainable goals and set our sights on that vision God has for us!
LOVE the picture. Too cute. =)
Hey there new Company Girl!!! So glad you linked up today! Sanctuary is at the top of my resolution list as well....followed by exercise. I have no excuse not to get out and walk so this will be my year to get moving.
Gotta say that your little football fan is pretty darn cute! Plus he's wearing a Cowboys jersey (I live near Dallas) so that makes him extra cute. Nothing like a Dad and son and sports!
You have set some really good goals for this year. I agree with setting goals, rather than making resolutions. Sanctuary is definitely towards the top of my list. To get me started on that track I spent yesterday getting rid of the clutter, and taking down the Christmas decorations.
I had mixed emotions about taking down the snowmen. I collect them and hated putting them away. But, at the same time, I was being proactive about staying on top of things. Why do I feel the need to make so many piles to be dealt with later. I need to adopt a "Do It Now" mentality.
Love the picture!
Welcome to Coffee Talk, I look forward to getting to know you! You have set some great goals for the year! I am a TERRIBLE organizer. I am a "wanna be" but it just doesn't come naturally to me and I really have to work at it. I am trying to get on track this year. You will really enjoy the small things...they are very doable!
Love the picture of "the boys" very cute!
Great goals! You can do it!
Happy new year!
i LOVE this picture!! sammy is just so darn CUTE!!!
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