Come on in out of the cold girls! I have fresh coffee on to warm you up. Or, if you prefer tea, thanks to Rachel Ann I discovered this week that I have 23 different varieties of tea in my pantry for you to choose from!
Yup. 23.
One of my sanctuary tasks this week was to fill up some garbage bags with trash from any area of the house. Rachel Ann talked about cleaning out her pantry, and I knew mine was a mess I just kept shutting the door on, so that's where I started too.
I found many horrifying discoveries, but the worst/funniest? I just kept pulling out box after box of tea bags. Before long, Evan was laughing at me, and grouping them into piles on the counter. After the pantry, I moved on to the cupboard where I keep spices and baking items, and pulled out a lot more trash. AND more tea bags!
When I was done, I thought to myself, "What in the WORLD?! How did this happen?" And here is what I've come up with. When we get groceries, I try in general to put things in the same spot. But if there's not room, I just shove it in somewhere. Anywhere. And apparently this causes a back log of tea bags. I also need to do some more careful inventorying before hitting the grocery store.
No more shoving things in for me. Even if the results are great at getting your grumpy 11 year old to crack a smile.
It's frigid at our house today. Temps are at -30 below. No kidding! The furnace can barely keep up, so we have been gravitating towards the living room andthe fireplace, and the cozy blankets we keep by the couch.
Here's Charlie and kitty Ray keeping each other warm:

At least we can drink warm tea when we are chilly!
Yup. 23.
One of my sanctuary tasks this week was to fill up some garbage bags with trash from any area of the house. Rachel Ann talked about cleaning out her pantry, and I knew mine was a mess I just kept shutting the door on, so that's where I started too.
I found many horrifying discoveries, but the worst/funniest? I just kept pulling out box after box of tea bags. Before long, Evan was laughing at me, and grouping them into piles on the counter. After the pantry, I moved on to the cupboard where I keep spices and baking items, and pulled out a lot more trash. AND more tea bags!
When I was done, I thought to myself, "What in the WORLD?! How did this happen?" And here is what I've come up with. When we get groceries, I try in general to put things in the same spot. But if there's not room, I just shove it in somewhere. Anywhere. And apparently this causes a back log of tea bags. I also need to do some more careful inventorying before hitting the grocery store.
No more shoving things in for me. Even if the results are great at getting your grumpy 11 year old to crack a smile.
It's frigid at our house today. Temps are at -30 below. No kidding! The furnace can barely keep up, so we have been gravitating towards the living room andthe fireplace, and the cozy blankets we keep by the couch.
Here's Charlie and kitty Ray keeping each other warm:
At least we can drink warm tea when we are chilly!
Oh girl! I know what you are saying...I cleaned out my pantry and WOW! found some shocking things! Half of the food we can't even eat anymore because of food allergies....
Too funny! I shouldn't laugh, though, b/c I'm no better. I went through my cupboards not that long ago and was floored by how many boxes of tea I had. What's most perplexing is that I'm not really a tea drinker!
(Popping in for Company Girl "Coffee"...but clearly I should have tea instead!)
I have that problem with groceries sometimes but not usually tea bags.
Giggling at the tea bags with you.... and loving your little Husker all snuggled up! I'm married to a Lincoln-man, so I've converted, if you will. :) Anyway, perhaps you should have a tea-party with all your friends? :) Enjoy!
That is so funny. My husband came into the room the other day with a mug of hot chocolate. I asked him what he was drinking, and he told me it was the Chiradelli hot cocoa and it was yummy. Now...I knew we had the Ghiradelli hot cocoa, but I had no idea HE knew! It made me wonder if he had been cleaning up the coffee/tea/cocoa (tiny) cabinet!
That's funny!
Your cat looks a lot like mine.
Mama Bear
23 kinds eh? well...sounds like since things are so cold in Nebraska that you just might be using all that tea just to keep warm..Good for you in getting the small things accomplished!
It's funny how things like that can build up. It seems that I like to buy different kinds of tea more than I like to drink it. I ended up making various gift baskets for teachers and people that my husband worked with. That was a good way to use mine up.
I am cracking up over all your tea. Glad you discovered it now rather than a few years down the line ;)
Tea party at your house! I'll bring the scones :) Love it! I'm just glad I'm not the only one with interesting things lost in the depths of my pantry.
I've been rather whiny about the temperature around here...I think now I'll hush! Really glad ours aren't that cold!
Ha! That's a lot of tea! We painted our laundry room/pantry this summer and I was AMAZED at what was in there. . .I think we could have survived for a month without leaving the house as long as fresh fruit and milk could have been delivered :)
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