Pull up a comfy chair, get cozy, and settle in for a virtual cup of coffee while we visit! It's company girl coffee day over at
Home Sanctuary. I am proud to be a new company girl. I will be linking up with Rachel Anne on Fridays for some "coffee", and I will be working throughout each month to accomplish the small tasks Rachel Anne assigns around the house to make my home more of a sanctuary for my husband and kids.
Which leads me right into my post for today...NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. Except this year I am not making any resolutions, I am doing some goal setting. Lots of people on blogs this week have been talking about how goals are more achievable than resolutions because they include planned steps. Makes sense to me, so that is what I am going to try.
1. SANCTUARY: My goal for 2010 at home is to make my home a more peaceful and enjoyable place for my family. I enjoy organizing and cleaning, but sometimes as a working mom I don't do such a great job. I am especially great at stuffing piles of stuff in corners and closets, thinking that I will get to them someday. Sadly, someday never arrives! Which is why my storage room looks like a bomb went off in it. I am going to conquer the the piles this year, and this summer I am going to have a garage sale to clear out the clutter.
2. HEALTH: I usually make a resolution about loosing weight. I have learned over the past 3 years though that my metabolic disorder and PCOS make this darn near impossible. Instead, this year I am resolving to make healthy changes in my eating and lifestyle so that I can be a more healthy me. I AM going to get that cholesterol back down. My awesome friend Christi has agreed to be my partner, and I am counting on her to bully me all year, and kick my butt when I get off track.
3. RELATIONSHIPS: I am not a patient person by nature. I am also bossy, and have a need to control every aspect of everything. As a teacher who works with 30 six year olds every day, I often feel that my students get the best of my patient reserves, and my own family gets the left overs. This year, I am going to take 15 minutes for myself when we get home, to do a mini recharge. I am going to work to be a better Mom and Wife, which are my two most important jobs in life.
To get started on the sanctuary, today we are going to take down the Christmas tree and de-Christmas the house. I find this task to be SO depressing, but today I am going to try and focus on a fresh and clean start.
And in a totally random way to end this post, here is a picture from this week:

This is Jeff and Sam watching the Cowboys game on Sunday. Sam had his new Cowboys jersey on, and it was just so cute to see both of them snuggled up together and so intent on the game. It amazes me just how much Sam understands about football at only 3 years old. Jeff finally got his football buddy!
I hope all of you have a wonderful day today!!