We actually did most of our celebrating last Sunday, when we had friends and family over for a party. He loved the presents, which he quickly figured out, and he loved being sang Happy Birthday to; one of the few people I have ever met who enjoy this part of a birthday celebration.
Isn't he cute? I am so thankful that even though he no longer officially a baby (although I will always call him that since he is my youngest) he still has his round baby face, and utterly edible chubby baby cheeks. I am thankful that he still wants to snuggle and cuddle with me, and I am still the one who can kiss away his boo boos.
I am so thankful that God sent me this beautiful baby boy, even if finding out about his arrival into our lives gave me quite a jolt. Although looking back maybe it shouldn't. The night that Sam was conceived I had this very vivid dream, of being inside a womb, and watching an egg get fertilized and a baby begin. I awoke with a start right after the dream had ended, and I felt vaguely unsettled. I didn't even tell Jeff about it right away, because the dream was so real, and I didn't want it to be true. I had a newborn to deal with. I couldn't completely forget it though, and the dream faded into a little nagging itch in the back of my brain. I think the itch is why when I felt a vague sense of nausea a few weeks later I had a horrible suspicion of what had happened.
As usual, God knew best and Sammy turned out to be the missing piece of our family, and the very thing I needed to complete my heart.
I remember looking up into Jeff's exhausted, red, tired, loving eyes shortly after Sammy was born, and being so very thankful for this man who was strong enough, loving enough, and patient enough to stand by me through birthing two children in one calendar year. I am not a pleasant pregnant person. Hormones do wretched things to my emotional state, and I become demanding, whiny, depressed, and teary. Jeff patiently rubbed my back, put my shoes on for me, dried my tears, and encouraged me through it all. If he was frustrated too, he never once let me see that, not wanting to add to my already full plate. I remember thinking that if we could get through that, surely we could get through about anything.
I am even more thankful for this amazing man, who I am blessed enough to call my husband, today. The last two years have been HARD. And that word doesn't even begin to cover it. Having two children only 10 months apart is COMPLETELY exhausting. Not that I don't treasure my children, but there have been many moments when I wasn't sure I had enough energy and patience to make it. Today in the car on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner in Harlan, I looked over at Jeff, and I was hit with the same feelings I had two years ago, but much more intense. This man is still here, still walking by my side. No matter how hard it has gotten, how crazed I have become with the demands of mothering and working full time-he is still here. I am just so incredibly thankful to have the blessing of a husband who loves me and sticks with me through thick and thin. And I feel so secure that if we can make it through all of this happening in only 3 1/2 years of marriage, we can make it through whatever comes next. Together.
That's why Jeff is my second greatest surprise. I had given up on finding a friend to walk through life with. God surprised me with his goodness, in sending not just any man to be my husband, but this man of strength.
Happy Birthday Sammy! I know you will keep bringing happy surprises and blessings into our lives for many years to come. I love you, buddy.
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