Halloween was a wonderful time for us around here. Jeff made it home just in time for us to have dinner together. The look on the boys' faces as he walked in to see them was priceless. Sammy jumped up and down and absolutely squealed with delight. It was one of the priceless moments that you file away in your memory to take out again to look at many times.
This year we had a clone trooper, a dragon, and a giraffe to trick or treat with. Aren't they cute?
Sammy was not wild about the idea of a costume and kept asking why he had to put it on. Charlie thought that being a dragon was a grand idea and kept growling at us in true dragon style.
It was a Halloween of firsts for us. The first time Jeff has been able to go with us, the first time Sammy trick or treated, and the first time we have done so in our own neighborhood. I was amazed at the hordes of children we saw. There were large groups of 25-30 children walking along together. It made me a little sad. All of these kids in our neighborhood, and we don't know any of them. One of the definite downsides of having Evan go to school where I teach (which is pretty far from where we live) is that he has no friends where we live. And, I guess, neither do Jeff and I. We know our neighbors to either side pretty well, but we haven't really met or bonded with anyone else. Something to ponder.
Most of the dads (and quite a few of the moms too!) were walking along with cans of beer or bottles filled with brew. I guess everyone got to have a good time!!
You want to know a secret? One of my favorite parts of trick or treating is getting to have a glimpse into other people's houses. I love seeing how people decorate and make their houses into homes.
The toddlers made it for about an hour before Sammy plopped down on the sidewalk and said, "Sammy crash. I need hug. I not walk any more!" I guess our route was a little over zealous for the little guys. Luckily we were only a block or two from home, and I only had to lug his 34 pounds of adorable chub a short way.
Evan and I headed over to our friend Katie's house for an hour or so after that. She had a firepit going in the driveway, chili and cider, wine, and caramel apples. It was so beautiful out, and it was so relaxing to sit around the fire with friends after a long walk in the autumn air. A perfect end to the perfect evening.
See? I went an entire post without complaining. I feel much better. In fact, I won't even mention that Sammy was diagnosed with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease yesterday =)
How was your Halloween?
Cute costumes. We had a good uneventful Halloween like usual. We took our little guy trick or treating and he made a haul. Our oldest went along for the ride and we stopped at some friends house and were home by 9:00. It was a good night.
How adorable! Did you get a chance to try the soup recipe? I actually keep most of my recipes in 4x6 photo pockets inside of a binder and organize with tabs by casseroles, desserts, breads etc. I think it works the best.
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