DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

End of the Year Shenanigans

Yesterday I spent the day with my class at the zoo. We had a wonderful time, but it was REALLY hot, and the kids were pooped way before the trip was over. Actually, so was their teacher. I spent most of the evening on the couch, with no energy left. Today we are outside all day again for Field Day. The kids are having a great time, but it will be hard to have one more day of learning tomorrow after two such exciting days! We dismiss at 10:00 on Thursday, so we are in the home stretch.

After Thursday there will be 202 children out their in the world who have a little piece of my heart with them wherever they go. I think the hardest part of being a teacher is that you pour your heart into these kiddos for a year, and become so attached to them, but then you have to give them back. At least with your own kids you get to see how they turn out, what they do with their lives. I still think about my old students all the time, and I wish I could know what they are doing today! I will always have a special place in my heart for them.

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