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Friday, June 30, 2006

My Mother Rocks

So...Charlie has been pretty grumpy the last week, which is very unlike him, and he hasn't been sleeping very well (also unlike him), and he hasn't been wanting to eat very well. I have been going along for several days assuming that he was teething. He got his first two teeth about a month and a half ago, so this seemed logical, and he was having some of the symptoms. I finally called my Mom to whine to her yesterday afternoon after Charlie had been awake ALL DAY LONG for the third day in a row, refusing to take a nap. I live for my afternoon nap, and not having one for three days was killing me. She said right away, "I think he has an ear infection. You should take him to the doctor right away." So I did late yesterday, and guess what? DOUBLE EAR INFECTIONS!!! How does she know these things? I don't know what I would do without her. Charlie is now on a mega antibiotic, so I am hoping it kicks in fast, before I turn into a zombie from lack of sleep.

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