I am in love with this picture. I know next to nothing about photography, and my camera is anything but fancy, but once in awhile a picture comes out that amazes me.
The weather was perfect. Temps were in the low 50s when we arrived, giving the air a fall crispness, and making it too cool for the bees to be much of a problem. The kids had fun checking out baby chicks:
Visiting the petting zoo:
getting their faces painted (Sam and Charlie both went with John Deere tractors, and Evan with a traditional pumpkin):
and riding horses:
Charlie and Sammy's favorite was the trike track where they sped around with their friends, pretending they were in the Indy 500. It was actually pretty momentous, as it was the first time both boys actually mustered the leg strength to actually pedal a bike, instead of doing a Flintstone push. As a result, we were forced to spend over an hour here so they could practice their new found talent.
For Evan and I, our favorite part was taking the hay rack ride and picking out our pumpkins. I got some great shots of the kids.
My Mom and Charlie:
Strangely enough, when we woke up the next morning, this is the scene that greeted us:
Yep. That's snow. On October 10th. We got roughly 4 inches of the stuff overnight. So Saturday morning as I processed our 30 pounds of apples, made homemade applesauce, and baked apple pie, my time clock was very off. It should have felt very much like fall between the pumpkin patch and the apples, but instead I felt like I should be pulling out the Christmas decorations. Very unsettling to have your seasons confused like that.
At least we got both trips in before it froze!!
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