Evan teaching his brothers how to use their new Leapsters on Christmas morning. (This is by FAR Charlie's favorite gift!!)
My big boy Evan on Christmas morning, enjoying one of his many new DS games.
Charlie next to his haul from Santa.
Sammy got this football uniform and helmet from my Mom on Christmas Eve. He loved it so much he wore it to bed that night, and insisted on opening most of his presents Christmas morning with his helmet on.
Our tree after Santa arrived.
Evan's big present this year...a new bike!! He was thrilled! Too bad he can't ride it in all this snow.
Sam in his new uniform on Christmas Eve. I will never forget his excited gasp as he opened his present. He had to put it on RIGHT.AWAY.
Jeff and my Dad
The table at my Mom's house-delicious lasagne!!!
My handsome three dressed up for Christmas Eve services!
Have you heard of The Elf on the Shelf? (If not check it out at Amazon-great tradition to start with your kids!) We started this this year at the suggestion of my sister. The kids named ours Santa Elf. We were sad to send him back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve.
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